Musical Bumps

At Musical Bumps we offer top quality, fun music classes for babies, toddlers and preschool children led by friendly and experienced teachers.

Experts agree that music benefits all areas of learning and that children who attend music classes from a young age have increased confidence, greater language skills and are flexible adaptable learners by the time they start school. Musical Bumps classes are the perfect way to learn and share new skills together. Sessions include time for a drink, biscuit and to have a chat and make friends!


Classes are age specific and are the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy time together with your child:



Peaceful time with new babies learning rocking songs, rhymes and lullabies in a calm environment.

1+ years

On the move! Songs for counting, songs that rhyme, action songs and singing games with puppets and instruments at every class.

2+ years

Gently structured with an emphasis on developing musical and social skills through play. Learn to listen, to take turns and even to tidy up!  

3+ years

Smaller groups lasting 30 minutes usually without carers participating. Exciting props, percussion and puppets help children to find their singing voices and learn about rhythm and other musical concepts. These classes are themed, with topics linked to the early years curriculum. 


Classes are currently held:

MondaysCrowborough Community Centre.  10am Family Music - all ages.  11am Baby class - under 12 months.

Thursdays - The Pavilion Cafe, Langton Green.  10.30am - under 2 yrs.  11.30am - over 2 yrs

Visit our website to view detailed timetable information and get in touch to arrange a FREE TRIAL class.



Tel: 07784 737183


We're also on facebook and instagram - see website for more details





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